Pay It Forward

Meet our amazing team of on-site coordinators


With over 35 years of experience, they are happy to assist you with every detail of your wedding from start to finish. As your wedding day gets closer, the small details & arrangements can be overwhelming, which is where they come in to help.

If you choose to use our team, you will have a worry-free experience knowing you have Laura and Jenn to walk you through every aspect of your wedding, including the rehearsal, decorating, reception, grand exit, and everything in-between.

wedding decor

One unique thing our team offers is the Pay It Forward room which is offered to couples who use our coordination services. The Pay It Forward concept came about when Pinterest first became popular and couples were wanting very specific items for their big day but didn’t want to purchase them or store them after their big day. Couples can borrow decoration and entertainment items that RDLP has stored for special occasions like table decorations, welcome signs, yard signs (giant Jenga, tic-tac-toe, and giant connect 4), along with many other wedding day décor and accessories.

There is no additional cost to use these items for the day! All we ask in return for borrowing these items is that you Pay It Forward by donating one item from YOUR wedding that can be enjoyed by others at future events held at our venue. It could be your table numbers, welcome signs, or something you may never use again but know that others would enjoy.

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And that’s how you Pay It Forward


If you have any questions, Laura and Jenn are here to help.

Text or Call 805-529-6699 or email us at

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